Large Multifamily Community Sees Recurring Annual Water Savings Equal to Water Needs of 350+ Households

52 million
gallons saved

79% reduction
in irrigation water use

350 household
equivalent annual water savings

52 million
gallons saved

79% reduction
in irrigation water use

350 household
equivalent annual water savings
IMT Residential’s RIATA is the largest multifamily community in Central Texas and is one of Banyan Water’s oldest customers
Banyan Water uses its smart technologies and comprehensive services to provide a turnkey solution: actively managing soil moisture to irrigate only what is required.
Banyan Water’s technology monitors water flow across the property and immediately detects leaks or unusual water use.
“I don’t ever have to worry. Banyan Water does everything and keeps me informed of any repairs that need to be made, and I know that they will always have a solution for us.”
Lisa Soto,
Senior Community Manager for RIATA
Senior Community Manager for RIATA
- Located in Austin, Texas
- 160 acres
- 2044 units

By saving over 52 million gallons of water in 2018, IMT RIATA exemplifies how easily businesses can implement Banyan Water’s technologies and expertise to make considerable impacts on operating budgets and natural resources.
With Banyan’s help, RIATA was able to enroll in the City of Austin’s Alternative Irrigation Compliance Pilot Program, allowing them more flexibility in watering schedules even during drought-related water restrictions. As that program has changed and developed, RIATA and Banyan Water have provided regular feedback to Austin Water.
Being an active partner and contributing regular feedback have not only helped RIATA to stay in compliance during times of drought but has also created a positive partnership between the three organizations.
Along with the financial and environmental benefits, Soto appreciates that Banyan Water’s team takes its job to heart and makes her staff feel like they really care. “It’s not just about the company or technology, but the people that work for Banyan, too. We trust them completely.

The ongoing need for water conservation and recent legislation in Texas, such as the State Water Plan, continue to highlight the need for real water sustainability solutions.
With Banyan’s technologies and services, RIATA is doing its part to conserve water every day. Their annual water savings are equivalent to the total water needs of over 350 households.
Reduce Your Water Consumption, While Maintaining Beautiful Landscapes