by Banyan Water | Apr 18, 2017
Today, the Banyan Water team is proud to announce the release of Banyan Water CentralTM 3.0. This release features a suite of data-driven tools and services that empower commercial users to conserve water, reduce costs and increase asset value. “We’ve saved billions...
by Banyan Water | Apr 11, 2017
Across the country, facility managers and investors are looking for ways to promote sustainable business models. Some groups focus on environmental projects because they are striving to be good stewards of the environment, and others recognize that by reducing water...
by Banyan Water | Mar 22, 2017
Today is World Water Day, a day when we consider the importance of water, especially clean, potable water in our lives. In celebration of World Water Day, Banyan Water is proud to announce that, through the use of innovative technology and data, Banyan Water has...
by Banyan Water | Feb 26, 2017
Ever wondered what it’s like to work at a software startup with an environmental twist? It’s pretty great, actually (thanks for asking!). Here are the top five things that Banyan Water team members love about our jobs: #5)Ideas are welcome here! We’re a startup. That...
by Banyan Water | Feb 21, 2017
Much is made in the media of the rise of the Internet of Things. This phrase refers to the many physical devices around us that are now connected to the internet such as a Nest thermostat or a...
by Banyan Water | Jan 18, 2017
If you’ve recently taken an interest in monitoring and reducing your water use, you may have taken a look around your property to find your water meter and attempted to read it. While not a complex task, reading a water meter is generally not intuitive and it’s...