Water management and software service company, Banyan Water, released its mobile app on June 1.
Banyan Water created the app so clients could access important information regarding water use and control the flow of water right from their mobile device.
The app was created specifically for landscapers, irrigation field technicians and irrigation managers.
The app boasts geolocation paired with detailed irrigation zone level maps that allow users to see where they are in relation to their irrigation maps.

Once logged in, users can select a property from the properties they work on. Here, they can see the status of the flow meter and controllers on the property. They can also access their historical flow data and run irrigation in real time.
A new feature of identifying new plantings is also available. Young plants are not able to access water easily until their roots are established. Updating their water schedule ensures their longevity and prevent wasted cost.
There are a number of other views and options users have to see and control real-time water flow on the property. These include “Moving Water”, which shows users what is actively running onsite or if there is any unscheduled flow occurring.
Users can also utilize the handy Site Inspection feature to run all zones on a given controller without having to manually advance from one zone to the next. Just select the time needed and hit RUN!
To learn more about Banyan Water and how the platform can help you save water and money, click here.