Wintertime watering: What you need to know

Winter is nigh upon us, and with it comes the inevitable failure of homeowners, landscapers and commercial property owners to remember to readjust their watering schedules for grass, plants, shrubs and other outdoor landscape pieces. Let this post, then, serve as a...

What “Going Green” Really Means for Multifamily

The real estate community and corporate America view sustainability as an important social and economic objective with broad implications. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 40 percent of U.S. energy consumption comes from buildings, with...

Why an increase in water rates isn’t the end of the world

In Banyan Water’s recent article from Environmental Leader, we explored the stress our country’s aging infrastructure is putting on homes, businesses and the future of water rates. According to the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, the U.S.’s approximately 1 million...